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Performance Analysis talk at SCALE10x

30 Jan 2012

I originally posted this at

Last week I gave a talk at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) titled "Performance Analysis: New Tools and Concepts from The Cloud". There was a great turnout for my talk, which was videoed by Deirdré (video below). The conference was a lot of fun too.

In my talk I presented six problems of performance analysis and introduced new tools that were developed to solve these. This allowed many concepts to be covered, which I summarized at the end, including how cloud computing is presenting new problems for performance observability. DTrace on SmartOS was used as an example way to provide observability, although the concepts and ideas presented are applicable to many environments (this was a Linux conference, too).

4-part playlist, 60 minutes (YouTube):

Here is the slide deck.

This talk referenced some work that I've previously blogged about, including the CPU utilization heatmaps, Flame Graphs and File System Latency analysis.

UPDATE: Viewers have noticed that YouTube's experimental audio transcription doesn't handle my accent very well. See the humorous full transcript from when the videos were first posted.

Thanks to the SCALE organizers for a great conference, and all who attended!