Systems Performance 2nd Ed.

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Brendan joins Sun

17 Sep 2006

I originally posted this at

I joined Sun Microsystems three weeks ago. As this is the first entry in my Sun blog, let me say a little about myself:

You may have heard of me before from my various spare-time hobbies, including my DTrace site, or my Zones site, the DTraceToolkit, the K9Toolkit, Solaris Performance and Tools, SOSUG, #opensolaris on IRC, or as a Solaris instructor or consultant. If you've met me, you'll know that I'm passionate about Sun, and determined to see Solaris 10's great features used to their potential, especially DTrace.

I'm delighted to join Sun so that I can program, create, and innovate, in a full time capacity.

My email address will change, however, my personal website will remain the same (which is a DNS pointer – the underlying location will change). While I have another blog, I'll be using this one to discuss my work at Sun.

I look forward to helping out both Sun and Sun's customers.